The Heart of Manchester Partnership
We are an inclusive partnership of schools in the urban heart of Manchester. We aim to celebrate and serve our culturally diverse community through the delivery of outstanding provision for our children and families.
In a spirit of honesty and trust our collaboration will aspire to instill a love of lifelong learning in our school communities, through mutual support and respect, in order that no one child or school is left behind.
We to ensure all stakeholders are provided with the right opportunities in order that they can be the best they can be by achieving the highest possible outcomes.
Our partnership comprises of 6 schools: Webster Primary, St Margaret's CE Primary, Claremont Primary, St Mary's CE Primary, The Divine Mercy RC Primary and Martenscroft Nursery School & Children's Centre.
Within the partnership we have set up leadership groups to share good practice, information and build links between our schools.
Heart of Manchester Creativity Training
The journey so far for “The Heart of Manchester Partnership”
“Heart of Manchester” is a partnership of 6 schools in the heart of central Manchester. The partnership has been in existence for 4 years and continues to grow and develop in response to the needs of children and families, staff and communities as well as educational reforms. The HOM Partnership has a vision to provide the best teaching and learning to ensure no child or school is left behind. We reflect on, and renew our commitment to this vision regularly with facilitation from “Centre for Educational Leadership.” This has built sustainability and resilience in our ways of working and it goes from strength to strength.
The schools have developed strong networks and relationships that support curriculum and professional development, moderation and growing leadership succession across the schools in the drive to improve outcomes for children. Network groups meet to share excellent practice and to find the right balance of support and challenge to ensure we deliver on our vision.
Strong networks have grown for Early Years, SEND, Maths, Reading, Writing, School Business Managers and Attendance. Groups are chaired by deputies from all the schools and goals and progress are fed back to heads. All groups meet regularly. Heads have the strategic drive to ensure priorities are identified and work focuses on new curriculum developments, closing gaps, sharing practice and supporting each other to ensure improved outcomes. Governors are kept up to date through the governance of individual schools.
We have a joint conference every year for all staff in the schools. Conference themes have been “Creativity in the Curriculum”, “Characteristics of Effective Learning”, “Maths and the Mastery Curriculum” and the latest, SEND. All conference themes are based on identified priorities across the schools.
Our schools are characterised by high percentages of pupils entitled to free school meals, EAL pupils and high levels of pastoral challenge. Schools in our partnership have seen a significant and sustained rise in attainment in the time we have worked together to achieve some of the best results in the city in a range of challenging contexts. All schools in the partnership are “good” or “outstanding” There are 2 designated teaching schools in the partnership.