Webster Primary School

  1. Information
  2. Our School Day

Our School Day


KS2 (Years 3-6) start school at 8:40 and their school day ends at 3:10.

EYFS (Nursery & Reception) and KS1 (Years 1 & 2) start school at 8:45 and their school day ends at 3:15.

We have a difference of 5 minutes to allow parents/carers with children in both key stages to be able to collect their children safely. 

Pupils are in school for 6.5 hours per day, 32.5 a week. 

Nursery timings are as above except for Wednesdays. The morning session starts at 8:45 and ends at 11:45 The afternoon session starts at 12:45 and ends at 3:15.



Timetables are flexible around events, trips and visitors.


Learning in the EYFS has a balance of teacher input and continuous provision. Pupils will have a phonics and maths lesson daily with the other carpet sessions focusing on Talk for Wrirting, Topic, PE or Music. 

Continuous provision takes place both inside and outdoors. Activities available encourage independence, resilience and give children opportunities to experience learning across all areas of learning. 


KS1 & 2 

On a typical day pupils will have Maths and English lessons before lunch. Afternoons are different on each day and will include History, Geography, Art, Music, Design & Technology, Religious Education, PE, RHE (relationships and health education), Science and Computing. Year 1 pupils will have an addition phonics session, usually after break in the morning. 

Lessons with music tutors and PE coaches are planned across the year with all classes having access to this provision. 


Assemblies take place on a Monday or Tuesday morning, either between 10:10 and 10:25 or between 10:25 and 10:40 fitting in with breaktimes. 


Break and Lunch

Classes in Years 1-6 have a 15 minute break time every morning, either between 10:10 and 10:25 or between 10:25 and 10:40. 

EYFS classes will access outdoor continous provision as part of their morning timetable. 

Lunchtimes are staggered to ensure that everyone has plenty of time to eat and play, pupils have a 45 minute lunchtime between 11:30 and 1:05.

Pupils have access to our extensive grounds at break and lunchtime including a large field, an all weather astro turf pitch, climbing equipment, a trampoline, wooden play structures (designed by the children) and an outdoor classroom. A smaller play equipment is available for children to use and pupils are supported to play group or team games. 

EYFS pupils have free milk every morning and EYFS-Y2 pupils are given fruit as part of The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, a government programme that entitles every child aged 4-6 in fully state-funded schools to a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.

School lunches are prepared in our on site kitchen, these are free to pupils in EYFS and KS1, parents of KS2 pupils either provide a packed lunch or pay for school meals


(Click on the picture to zoom)

Before & After School

Breakfast club is available to all children from 8:05- parents must register their child for a place at the school office. Breakfast club is free, the children can have cereal, toast and juice, and  talk to/ play with friends before school starts.  

Interventions to support pupils academically take place before and after school- class teachers let parents/ carers know which interventions their child should attend. Before school interventions start at 8:05 (KS2) and 8:10 (KS1). After school interventions finish at 4:15.

After school clubs and enrichment changes half termly, letters are sent out about these opportunities, for more information about current provision see the Interventions and Enrichment page. All clubs finish at 4:15.