Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start and finish?
- Breakfast club doors open at 8:05 am and close at 8:20 am, pupils must sign in with staff at the Art Room door (children will not be admitted after 8:20 am).
- Before school interventions start at 8:05 am, please drop pupils off promtly for interventions at their ususal drop off point.
- School starts at 8:40 am for pupils in KS2 (Years 3,4,5 & 6) and 8:45 am for EYFS and KS1 (Years 1 & 2). Children should wait by their classroom door or in an assigned area of the playground to be collected/ let into school by an adult.
- Please do not drop off your child on their own in the playground before their allocated start time as they will be unsupervised.
- If it is raining heavily doors may be opened at 5 minutes before the start of the school day.
- School finishes at 3:10pm (KS2) and 3:15pm (EYFS/KS1). Please collect your child promptly from their classroom or assigned collection point. If your child is being collected by someone different/new please let the office or the class teacher know before the end of the day. If pupils are not collected by 15 minutes after their class' finish time they will be taken to the main entrance for collection. Total hours per week 32.5 plus intervention sessions before and after school for specific pupils.
- The school day is 6.5 hours including breaks and lunchtimes. This is 32.5 hours per week.
- If you are unsure where to drop off or collect your child please ask at the school office.
- After school clubs and interventions finish at 4:15 pm, collection points are different for each club, if you are unsure please go to the main entrance.
Gates and Parking
The school grounds are accessible via the gates identified in the picture at the beginning and end of the school day. All access during the day should be through the main entrance gate and the school office.
The car park is for staff and visitors only. We encourage pupils to walk/cycle/scoot to school as much as possible- there are bike sheds near the main entrance. There are disabled parking spaces in the car park and step free access at the front and rear of the building as well as via the ramp in the KS2 playground.
What should I do if my child is unable to attend school?
It is extremely important that your child attends school and is on time for school each day.
Our target for attendance is 97%, at Webster we are continuously working towards that goal. We understand that sometimes children are ill or other circumstances may prevent them from attending school, as a parent/carer you can help us by:
- Ringing school (0161 226 3928) each morning that your child is absent before 9:00 am with the reason and saying when the child will return to school.
- Arranging medical appointments out of school hours or in the holidays. Where this is not possible, please present hospital/ doctors letters at the office. Where possible the child should be in school directly before and after the appointment.
- Keeping us updated by telephone or letter if your child has an extended period of absence due to illness.
What should I do if my child is late for school?
Morning registration is at 8:40 am (KS2) and 8:45 am (EYFS/KS1), this is the time your child should be in class and ready for registration. Please note that if your arrival after the close of registration your child may be marked as having an unauthorised absence. Children arriving or leaving school with a parent/carer outside of the normal hours must be signed in or out at the office.
As parent/carer you can help us by:
- Ensuring your child is in class on time, missed minutes in class are missed learning opportunities.
- Letting us know if you are having difficulties getting your child to school on time, our Family Support Worker Hannah Mills may be able to help.
What is the school uniform?
All children must wear uniform in accordance with our policy.
- White polo shirt or plain white shirt
- Plain grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt
- Black shoes/ ankle boots (No trainers)
- Plain socks (white/grey/ black) or black/grey tights
- Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Plain grey or black pinafore dress
- If your child wears a head scarf, please ensure it is plain black (no jewels/sequins/decoration) and is tight fitting without excessive material or pins.
- You will notice that trainers are not allowed to be worn during the school day (unless it is P.E.).
- Jewellery should not be worn in school.
School jumpers and cardigans are available to buy from the school office
jumpers: £9:00 (up to size 34) and £11:00 (over size 34)
Cardigans: £11:00 (up to size 34) and £12:00 (over size 34)
School bags: £7.50
Unbranded burgundy school jumpers and cardigans may also be worn.
School meals and costs
All children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school lunch every day if they would like one. We encourage this as much as possible as a balanced meal during the day has been shown to improve performance at school. Please make sure the office know whether your child will be having a school meal or a packed lunch.
Parents/Carers of children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 are required to pay for their school lunches at a cost of £2.60 each day/ £13.00 per week.
Payment is through online payment system School Money, please speak to a member of office staff about how to set this up for your child/ren. Click HERE to login and to read a parent guide.
Free school meals - follow this link: to complete the form or speak to Jacquie or Pauline in the office.
Packed lunches should be clearly labelled with the child's name and should be healthy- for ideas of what to pack click the link:
Lunch Menus: Week 1
Week 2:
Week 3: